PS rally
Woohoo~just came home from planet shakers was great!My first time..was really looking fwd to it..and it was a great experience.Well,this year the shirt was abit more costly..but i prefered last year's design more..but well,lets just say i had a hard time choosing black or white with gold or silver *suprise suprise* .but in the end it made no diff cos for all the S sizes,all were out of stock except white silver.But for some funny reason,i chose to buy it anyway.Now i have to change tmr -.-" cos i insist on having black gold.blek.oh well,its been a good day so far..looking fwd to tmr.Hehe.Christmas is coming!Yippee!
p.s./ for those who din go for the rally..u should!!dont miss out!cheers!
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