Tagged ! Part II
Dont call me sad for saying this but..im glad i got tagged. AHah.Cos my blog is starting to get reeeeally dead again..not my fault tho!I wanna update abt the camerons and hardo outing but this blogger just wont allow me to pots pics!!!and i thought ok try photobucket like mun k suggested.and for like the 5billionth time i still cant log into the page..can i just change my account?too much hassle anyway.aihs.ok taggy time.(its abit similiar to the one i did before tho)
Write 10 unknown facts about yourself and tag the next 10 person of your choice, no tagging back.
Tag#1: 10 Unknown facts about myself
Tagged by: Fangyi!
1. I talk to myself quite alot.So some stranger who walk past by me at times may think im some whacko.
2. I have a Big weakness for biscuits and peanuts.Argh.
3. I LOVE fruits. all kinds from pineapple to papaya.NO bananas eventhough thats wat ALOT of ppl might think i love.-.- Me no like bananas fullstop
4. I jog around my porch abt 40-50 laps on sunday evenings.Sounds crazy? it is. =p
5. I MUST do a brief check on my bed for creepy crawlies like spiders and stuff before i settle comfortably.Had bad experiences with those THINGS on my bed before and i just have to check everytime. -.-
6. I seriously have no interest in football whatsoever but im interested in world cup matches.even root for certain teams
7. I watch Discovery and Natgeo quite alot..i find those channels pretty interesting .
8. I wear specs(for those ppl who goes "Eh?!u wear specs wan ah?" when they see me with specs) and only wear lenses occasionally cos im lazy to wear everyday and its exp-.- most of the time outside,i just go around without specs or lenses which is wat ive been doing for the past 6 years so just answer me the next time i ask u wat words are there on some board or stg far away =P and dun worry,i wont trip over things.my eyesight aint THAT bad.its bad when it comes to seeing words
9. Im actually pretty lazy when it comes to replying sms...hee.
10. Something i really really wish i can do:Travel around the globe and see every beautiful place i possibly can.
And I tag..
Anyone and everyone whos as free as i am.or whose blog is dying. =p
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