aloha.Actually im kinda lazy to blog but i am.well the past few days has been pretty interesting.The lagoon trip on fri was a blast!We screamed like hardos on those slides(i think joe can act in any horror movie..his scream can definitely be put into use lol) my personal fav was the carpet thing..hehe fun!havent been to lagoon for like ages and it changed quite a good way.hehe.overall,it was a fun trip pics yet..will upload it when i have it.After the meeting at nite(on the same day),came home..went to my comp..and started watching yet another korean drama i borrowed from chiew li.and that drama is no other than..Full House.Yeap.I din watch it on tv last time,wrong timing anyway i started watching and suprise all other series i have on cd,i just HAD to continue watching and watching.And I just finished the series yday nite or EARLY this morning should i say lol.One thing i realize abt myself is when i do have the entire series in my hands i just want to keep on watching and finish it as soon as i can.but when i do finish it,i'll kinda wish that i din finish it that fast.Weirdd.but i think im not the only one like that wahah..Hm,abt my comments abt this show..well, i did laugh quite alot..some scenes were pretty hilarious while others managed to squeeze some tears out of me. i think the drama that made me cry the most was Stairway to least,thats the show that comes to my mind when i think abt soaking my pillow with my tears-.- overall,tho the storyline of full house is abit draggy but it was enjoyable hehe..perhaps i can see why it became such a big hit.So on my personal scale..i'll say i give it a..4/5. oh but i have to comment abt the common storyline of ppl marrying first then fall in love later in sooo many k-dramas these days.its like one person's original idea will be used and recycled over and over..not to mention that marriage is suppose to be a very serious thing but in ALOT of shows,it doesnt seem so..especially when the guy proposes to the girl whom nvr actually accepted his love before nor have they even been together thats pretty weird.dont know if there's such a thing
in real life tho.but blah who cares if its just like dat in movies.i have this BIG soft spot for love stories-.- i think i've always been.Reminds me of a review i read in the papers yday,the writer asked why women are so into romance stories or stg like dat.Beats me..but hey,love stories are nice =p and for the first time,im admitting im like one of those many ppl out there,who can watch the same love stories with the same formula again and again and still wont get tired of it.I guess it goes for all those who watch k-dramas which are just mainly abt love love love all the offense.take it as a compliment all you k-drama/love story fans out there =p (can hear adrian cheering again)
Death note 2 is coming out this fri!And im starting work this fri!Arghghg talk about timing.Haihs.Looks like i've no choice but to watch it on weekends. =(